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Biofile: Lou Dobbs Interview

From Scoop Malinowski STATUS: Host of Fox Business Network TV Show “Lou Dobbs Tonight.” DOB: September 24, 1945 In: Childress County, Texas HOBBIES/INTERESTS: “Scuba diving, horsebackriding, golf, running tractors on the farm. We’ve got a horse farm up in Sussex County, N.J. I enjoy getting out, cutting hay and playing …

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Biofile: NYPD Officer Interview

By Scoop Malinowski Status: Kevin Young, Sargent. Childhood Heroes: “I can’t say my father (Kenny) can I? Big Graig Nettles fan. And I was always fascinated by the guys who walked the moon.” Hobbies/Interests: “I’m very diversified. I enjoy music, I enjoy sports – Jets season tickets, play guitar, sing …

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Biofile: Haile Gebrselassie Interview

By Scoop Malinowski Status: Won Olympic gold medals in 1996 and 2000 in the 10,000 meters. Won Berlin Marathon in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. DOB: April 18, 1973 In: Asella, Arsi Province, Ethiopia First Running Memory: “My first memory for racing was in 1981. First one – when I landed in …

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