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Biofile Babe Ruth Interview

By Scoop Malinowski Status: Major League Baseball Hall of Fame outfielder and pitcher for New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, Boston Braves 1914-1935. DOB: Feb 6, 1895 Died: August 16, 1948 Birthplace: Baltimore, MD (This interview was done with Babe Ruth’s granddaughter Linda Ruth Tosetti.) Childhood Hero: Shoeless Joe Jackson. …

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Biofile Walt Frazier Interview

By Scoop Malinowski Status: NBA Hall of Fame point guard for New York Knickerbockers and Cleveland Cavaliers (1967-1979). DOB: March 29, 1945 In: Atlanta, GA Ht: 6-4 Wt: 209 Childhood Heroes: My relatives – parents, Walk and Eula, grandparents, uncle. Nickname: Clyde. From the movie Bonnie & Clyde. I used …

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Biofile Otto Graham Interview

By Scoop Malinowski Status: Hall of Fame NFL quarterback for Cleveland Browns. DOB: September 6, 1921 In: Waukegan, IL Childhood Sports Heroes: As a child of course there was no TV and so forth. So back in those days you went local and played in the sandlot – played softball, …

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