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Biofile: Karin Billings-Schluter Interview

Status: 1972 Olympic silver medalist in equestrian, now an artist living in Sarasota, FL DOB:  March 12, 1937  In: Hamburg, Germany First memory of art:  When I was 6-8 years old living in Hamburg, Germany, the war was just over and my family was required to take in a …

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Biofile: Larry “Ratso” Sloman Interview

By Scoop Malinowski Status: Author of Howard Stern’s “Private Parts” and “Miss America”, New York Rangers classic “Thin Ice”, “Steal This Dream” (oral biography of Abbie Hoffman), “Undisputed Truth” with Mike Tyson, “Secret Life Of Houdini.” Read more about Ratso here Born In: 1950 Inspirations: Walking on a beach smelling …

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Biofile: LeRoy Neiman Interview

By Scoop Malinowski Status: One of the world’s most prolific and best-known artists. DOB: June 8, 1921 In: St. Paul, Minnesota Died: June 20, 2012 Hobbies/interests: “Exercise moderately. My work is my life. I have to keep in shape to paint … it’s a performance. Boxing is my real passion. I can …

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