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Biofile Hollis Stacy Interview

By Scoop Malinowski

Status: LPGA Hall of Fame golfer. Won four major titles, including US Open in 1977, 1978 and 1984.

DOB: March 6, 1954 In: Savannah, GA

First Golf Memory: I was six years old and my parents were watching a black and white TV. The cameras were showing the ball in flight. And I couldn’t see anything. They were so delighted. I was like, Why are they delighted [smiles]? I couldn’t see anything. So that was my first thought of golf.

Golf Inspirations: My heroes – Patty Berg. Kathy Whitworth. Babe Zaharias – for starting the LPGA. Inspirations – Heather Farr. Kathy Ahern – they fought and didn’t survive breast cancer. They struggled, fought the good fight, didn’t do it. They were my sisters.

First Famous Golfer You Met Or Encountered: I was lucky. Because I was a little girl growing up around Augusta – I was from Savannah. So I met and followed – they signed my ticket – so I met Chi Chi Rodriguez, Tony Lima, Ben Hogan, Arnold Palmer, Jack (Nicklaus).

Last Book Read: A silly book about Savannah called Mob Island. It was silly but I knew everybody in the book.

Greatest Sports Moment: When I was playing golf in Stockbridge, GA. My daddy (Jack) was following me. He could barely walk – he had gotten a war injury. And he followed me on the back nine. And I birdied six of the last nine holes to win the tournament (in 1977). That was my greatest moment.

Most Painful Moment: It was when I was younger. I didn’t realize – I was playing Los Angeles – people were applauding when I was missing putts. Nancy Lopez was a crowd favorite. So it hurt me a lot. But I got over it. I loved Nancy Lopez. I didn’t understand the fan thing.

Favorite Courses: Bradenton Country Club (site of LPGA Drive On Championship). Sunningdale in London. And I love Merion in Pennsylvania.

Favorite Athletes To Watch: I love to watch good football. My dad played football at Clemson. I love tennis and the strategy of tennis. I played tennis a lot. I love to watch Chris Evert, Martina, Evonna Goolagong – my faves. And Billie Jean King, of course.

Funny Golf Memory: I’ve had so many. My most unique experience… just on tour in golf… I played a pro-am and there was this man just dying to get my picture and autograph. And it was really early in the morning. And I said, Okay, get a grip. So I say (to myself) go over there, make his day. So I smiled. He took his picture. That was in 1975. So 2001 – my brother got an email: Are you related to Thomas Laird in Savannah? That was my grandmother, my mom’s maiden name. So the guy that took the picture was the brother of the pilot of the pilot of my uncle’s plane that crashed in the Pacific and the whole crew was executed – in New Guinea. And he had the picture of him, of me, smiling for him. So the lesson is: Always be kind to those who wish your picture or autograph. That’s an amazing story… always take the time to sign the autograph.

Strange Golf Memory: One time I was playing in a tournament in Los Angeles. And I was losing my composure. I was three over par. Then in the back of the green on no. 9 – (Darrell George) Dash Crofts from Seals and Crofts. And I saw him. Ah, that’s just truly amazing. And I forgot about why I was so mad. And then I shot 31 [smiles].

Why Do You Love Golf: I love golf because there’s so much that can go wrong. It’s mental, physical, it’s the fundamentals, it’s knowing your game. It’s very, very challenging.

Favorite Artists: I love all art. Painters, musicians. It had to be Prince.

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: It would have to be chocolate.

Funniest Golfers Encountered: I don’t know their humor.

People Qualities Most Admired: Humility. Probably the biggest – humility.

Photo courtesy LPGA

About Mark Malinowski

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