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Biofile Andrew McCutchen Interview

By Scoop Malinowski

Status: Pittsburgh Pirates outfielder.

DOB:  October 10, 1986  In: Fort Meade, FL

First Baseball Memory:  I couldn’t tell you [smiles].  Probably just with my dad, him introducing it to me, playing or him being my coach. 

Baseball Inspirations:  Try and play the game as long as I can. And impact as many people as I can in a positive way. People like Roberto Clemente paved the way for that. Try and follow in his footsteps.

First Player You Met Or Encountered:  Kenny Lofton (former Cleveland Indian outfielder). I was really young. I went to a spring training game when they were in Winter Haven, FL. I remember seeing him. He stood out, not super flashy, real fast. Something like that I like to see. Saw him. Got an autograph. He was probably my first autograph (age 8-9).

Greatest Career Moment:  Probably, honestly, just making it to the Major League, first game (2009), getting a couple of hits, stealing a base, scoring a couple runs. Did about the entire thing in the first game.

Most Painful Moment:  Probably ACL. Blown out. Injuries are never fun. But they happen.

Favorite Ballparks:  I like Petco. I like all the west coach places. So Dodger Stadium, Petco, I like Coors Field. All the ballparks are nice. Especially the ones that have good weather. Get good weather on the west coast for the most part.

Favorite Uniforms:  Pirates. Any Pirates uniform. I love the script road jerseys that we wear now. Those are nice when we have them on.

Most Memorable Hit:  First at-bat. Mike Pelfrey, he was on the Mets at the time. Same draft class as me in 2005. First hit on two strikes. Tim McClelland was behind the plate calling balls and strikes. It was pretty memorable.

Why Do You Love Baseball:  The first sport I ever played. It was the first thing that was ever introduced to me as a kid, so that has a lot of reason to do with it. My dad introduced me to it.

Favorite Athletes To Watch:  Past – Ken Griffey Jr. The new guys that come up are always great. But I like people who are consistent, who are really good for a long time. Like Lebron James, doing what he does for nineteen years. Steph Curry makes things look real simple. Mike Trout, consistent. Fun to watch, even now.

Funny Baseball Memory:  We used to have a lot of fun back in 2013 when we finally made it to the playoffs. That entire year. Bunch of characters on that team. During rain delays, we’d get replica light sabers, we’d turn out all the lights and we’d play whiffle ball. A lot of fond memories of that year.

Strangest Game:  The one and only triple play I’ve been a part of. We didn’t know it was a triple play. It was one of those things, tag someone, tag the base for a force out, threw the ball somewhere else, tag that guy. We all kind of stood around and like, What was that? Guys didn’t know to run off the field or not. I think it was at home. I don’t remember who we were playing. I remember being in outfield, What was that? It was like an unassisted triple play. Real weird.

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:  Cookies and cream.

Favorite Artist:  Lecrae is his name.

People Qualities Most Admired:  People who own up to their own mistakes. People who are real transparent and don’t act like they have it all figured out.

Career Accomplishments:  NL MVP in 2013; Five-time All-Star (2011-2016); Gold Glove winner in 2012; Roberto Clemente Award Winner 2015.

About Mark Malinowski

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