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Biofile Tori Bowie Interview

By Scoop Malinowski

Status: Former Olympic medalist in track and field. Won silver medal in the 100m and bronze in the 200m at 2016 Olympics, also gold medal in the 4 x 100 relay at 2016 Olympics in Rio, Brazil.

DOB: August 28, 1990 In: Sand Hill, Rankin County, Mississippi (Died May 3, 2023)

Ht: 5-9 Wt: 128

First Track Memory:  “[Laughs]…That’s a tough question. I guess my first memory is having a great time. My team was mostly just family members because my hometown is really, really tiny. Just being out there and having fun. My first event was long jump.”

Track Inspirations:  “Definitely knowing that this special skill that we have is a gift. That’s my inspiration.”

Current Car:  “[Laughs] Something basic, just a Hyundai.”

Last Book Read:  “Probably The Firm.”

Greatest Sports Moment: “Is basically showing everyone what I’m capable of doing. Just showing them that Tori Bowie is going to be amazing someday.”

Most Painful Moment:  “Of course the most painful moment is when I get hurt. And I pulled my hamstring.”

Favorite Place To Compete: “Not exactly but I always enjoy Drake Relays. I never competed in Drake Relays but I enjoy the track. I enjoy the feel of it.”

First Job:  “I sold shoes and belts, so basically retail. At the mall.”

Favorite Sport Outside Track & Field:  “Of course basketball [laughs].”

Three Athletes You Like To Watch & Follow: “Shelly-Ann Fraser in inspirational. LeBron James is amazing. And I’d say Serena Williams.”

Strangest Race:  “I haven’t run many races in my life. I just started the sport a couple of years ago. So this is kinda new to me. We had meets where it was raining and snowy. Stockholm was the coldest meet I ever ran in my life. It was freezing. Probably six degrees. So we were out there in line shivering. That was a learning experience.”

Embarrassing Career Memory:   “I would say I don’t have any moments to be embarrassed about.”

Childhood Dream:  “When I was a little girl I always wanted to be a dentist. Because I love to see people smile. And for some reason as I continued to grow up, it kind of went away from me [laughs].”

Last Vacation: “I wouldn’t call it a vacation but my last little relaxation getaway was Fort Canaveral, which is in Florida outside Orlando.”

Why Do You Love Track & Field:  “I basically just love the sport because it’s a great gift of mine. And I just want to be able to use it. I want to bring out the best of it. I want to allow everyone in the world to see this amazing gift that I have.”

Pre-Race Feeling: “Usually a little nervous the day before the meet, during the warm-up. But once I actually step to the line I touch my comfort zone I’m comfortable in.”

Nickname:  “Torie’s not my name. Torie’s actually my nickname (for Fretorish).”

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:  “That’s so hard but I tend to like the strawberry shortcakes. Very good.”

People Qualities Most Admired:  “I like to see humbleness. I like to see people be positive. And most importantly I like to see people inspire others.”

College: University of Southern Mississippi.

About Mark Malinowski

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