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Biofile Bill Angresano Interview

By Scoop Malinowski

Status: Fine Artist based in New Jersey. Instructor at Ridgewood Art Institute.

First memory of art: As an eight year old visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and being mesmerized by the “Gulf Stream” painting by Winslow Homer.

First job: Landscaper/caddy.

Last book read: “The Art of Velasquez”, by R. A. M. Stevenson.

Inspirations: Too many to list, just a few … John the Baptist, Tom Lovell, Homer, Van Gogh, George Bellows, Antonio Mancini, Joaquin Sorolla… on and on …

First famous person you met or encountered: Rocky Graziano, Middleweight Champion of the World.

Greatest career moment: Hasn’t happened yet…

Most painful career moment: Rejection from an “art group.”

Funny career memory: A horse looking over my shoulder while I painted in a field and the horse at one point snorting naying as if he was reacting to the work.

Embarrassing career memory: Having members of an art group express their remorse to me over failure to achieve membership by vote…

Strangest commission: More like an Advertising job doing storyboards for the then unknown “ Mike’s Hard Lemonade” …completely bizarre commercials that actually ran!

Favorite artists: Too many to list… some more to add to the previously mentioned, Nicolai Fechin, Dean Cornwell, Frank Brangwyn ….

Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate chip mint.

Favorite movies: David Lean directed films, “ Bridge Over the River Kwai”, “Dr Zhivago”, “Lawrence of Arabia”… Franco Zeffirelli films, “ Jesus of Nazareth.”

People qualities most admired: Honesty, integrity, courage, consistency, faith.

Marvin Hagler painting by Bill Angresano.

About Mark Malinowski

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