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Biofile: Carl Lewis Interview

By Scoop Malinowski Status: Former track & field champion was one of the top American Sportsman of the Century. Winner of 10 Olympic medals including nine gold, Winner of 10 World Championships medals, including eight gold. DOB: July 1, 1961 In: Birmingham, AL Track Heroes/Inspirations: “I looked up to Jesse Owens. My …

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Biofile: Oksana Baiul Interview

By Scoop Malinowski Status: 1994 Olympic gold medalist in figure skating. DOB: November 16, 1977 In: Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine Favorite Movies: “I like as a director Tim Burton. And as character working a lot with Tim Burton, is Johnny Depp. I like all kind of movies and I really love to …

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Biofile: Jack Dempsey Interview

By Scoop Malinowski This Biofile was done on April 15, 1997 in New York City with Jack’s wife Deanna Dempsey. Status: Former World Heavyweight champion 1919-1926. DOB: June 24, 1895  In:  Manassa, Colorado Childhood Hero:  “John L. Sullivan.” Nicknames:  Kid Blackie, Manassa Mauler (from Damon Runyan), Manassa Jack, The Man …

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