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Biofile Frank Gifford Interview

(Note: This Biofile interview was done by telephone back in 1993. I met Frank in Giants Stadium after a game in 1993. He couldn’t do a Biofile at that moment but handed me a business card – he worked for Revlon – and I called the following week and here is our Biofile interview…)

By Scoop Malinowski

Status: Former New York Giant halfback and receiver (1952-64).

DOB: August 16, 1930 (Passed away August 9, 2015)  In: Santa Monica, CA

Childhood Role Model: “My dad (Weldon), he worked hard, he was just a good dad.”

Early Football Memory: “I lived in Hermosa Beach, I used to get into the tag games on the beach, in fifth and sixth grade. I played with my older brother (Waine) and his friends. They would always pick me first or second, even though I was younger. That’s when I realized I could play.”

Greatest Sports Moment: “Winning the NFL Championship, we beat Chicago.”

Toughest Competitors Encountered: “You can’t just pick one player, it’s tough to answer that.”

All-Time Favorite Movie: “Treasure of the Sierra Madre.”

Hobbies/Interests: “Golf, skiing, playing with my little boy.”

Musical Tastes: “Classical, Michael Bolton, Neil Sedaka, my wife’s record.”

Favorite Food: “Pasta.”

Favorite Breakfast Cereal: “Dry cereal and a banana.”

First Car: “’50 blue Plymouth.”

Favorite NFL Stadium: “Giants Stadium – it’s home.”

Nickname: “Giff – most of my good friends don’t call me that.”

Favorite TV Show: “My wife’s (Regis with Kathie Lee).”

Favorite Authors: “Edgar Rice Burroughs, Mary Higgins.”

Favorite Cities: “New York, San Francisco.”

First Job: “Selling magazines door to door, that was in grammar school, I’d sell them for 25 cents and I got a nickel.”

People Most Admired: “So many friends that I admire. I also admire people who can accomplish something in life by themselves. And people who share with people who are not as fortunate.”

Career Accomplishments: NFL Champion in ’56, Eight-time Pro Bowl selection, ’58 Pro Bowl MVP, Pro Football and College Football Hall of Fame inductee, 1956 UPI NFL MVP, ABC Sports broadcaster, ABC’s Monday Night Football broadcaster, Finished career with 3,704 yards rushing, 5,434 yards receiving and 78 touchdowns; Only NFL player to be All-Pro on offense (RB) and defense (DB).

About Mark Malinowski

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