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Biofile Greg Buttle Interview

By Scoop Malinowski
 Former NFL linebacker with New York Jets from 1976-1984. 1975 Consensus All-American with Penn State.

DOB: June 20, 1954 In: Atlantic City, New Jersey

First Football Memory: “Getting a concussion in high school.”

Football Inspirations: “Mike Curtis, Johnny Unitas and my brother.”

Nicknames: “Butts, Wild Man, that’s about all I can remember.”

Last Book Read: “Stephen Hawking, The Hawking Paradox.”

Favorite Movies: “My Cousin Vinny. That’s my best one.”

First Job: “Paperboy. (What paper?) Atlantic City Press.”

First Car: “1964 F100 Ford pickup truck.”

Current Car: “2010 Mini Cooper. (Color?) Horizon blue.”

Greatest Sports Moment: “I’ve had too many.”

Most Painful Moment: “Watching my buddy get cut (in 1976). (Who?) Name was Jim Rosencranz.”

Favorite Uniforms: “Pittsburgh Steelers.”

Favorite Stadium: “Carnegie Hall. I love Carnegie Hall. (Favorite stadium to play as a football player?) Beaver Stadium.”

Closest NFL Friends: “Lance Mehl, Joe Klecko, Richard Todd, Marty Lyons, Bob Crable – to name a few.”

Funniest Player Encountered: “Scott Dierking. No one’s funnier. (What was it about him?) He was a funny son of a *****. If I had a party, I’d put him in a corner and have everyone go talk with him [smiles]. He was a running back for the Jets. (I remember him, #25.) Absolutely, very good.”

Toughest Competitors Encountered: “Opponents or teammates? (Either.) The fiercest opponents I played are two – Bruce Matthews and Ron Heller.”

Strangest Game: “The last College Football All-Star Game. Lighting and downpour, they canceled the game in the third quarter. (Where?) In Chicago.”

Funny Football Memory: “Marty Lyons sacks Jim Kelly. And he elbows him in the face. Ben Dreith, the head official, says, ‘Personal foul number 93 (Lyons), givin’ him the business.’ It was hilarious. He didn’t know what to call.”

Embarrassing Football Memory: “No.”

Favorite Sport Outside Football: “Golf.”

People Qualities Most Admired: “When someone looks at me and talks to me and they look me in the eye. You can tell a phony the minute they don’t.”

College: Penn State.

About Mark Malinowski

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