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Biofile Phil Collins Interview?

An actual dream I experienced on January 11, 2013: I met pop star Phil Collins while pumping my car at gas station in New Jersey, he walked by my car. It was night. So I asked him about doing a Biofile and he said he would. He added that he was staying in New York City until the 23rd of the month. So we exchanged info and we are going to set it up, we shook hands, then I finished filling my car. This is not the only dream I’ve had of doing Biofile interviews, have had about ten other over the years.

The music of Phil Collins and Genesis were always appreciated during the 80s and I bought a few cassette tapes and CDs but it was not on my favorites list. So it’s a mystery why I would have this dream.

Only plausible theories are a subconscious message that Phil somehow found out about and reads my Biofiles, likes them and would do one if I reached out? Or it’s just one of those inexplicable quirks about our brains and how they function or dysfunction?

Only 103 million views of Easy Lover video on you tube

These are the questions I would ask Phil, who has sold over 150,000,000 records…

First memory of music: Definitely, the Beatles. I used to stand in front of a mirror with a tennis racquet, pretending to be John Lennon. Still do. When I first heard the Beatles, I went out and bought each album as it came out. There was other music in the house my sister was listening to Tommy Steele, who was sort of the. English James Dean but the Beatles were really it for me. I played for people from when I was five or six until I was maybe 14. By the time I was maybe 12, I had a regular drum kit. My father’s boat club had these shows every Thursday night, and I used to play drums in the shows, accompanying an organist and some singing. (From Playboy interview 1986)


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About Mark Malinowski

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