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Biofile Marvin Harrison Interview

By Scoop Malinowski

STATUS: NFL Hall of Fame wide receiver (1996-2008 for Indianapolis Colts). Won Super Bowl XLI. Eight-time Pro Bowler and All-Pro. Inducted into NFL Hall of Fame in 2016.

DOB: August 25, 1972 In: Philadelphia, PA

Ht: 6-1 Wt: 185

CHILDHOOD HEROES: I was a Dallas Cowboys fan – Emmitt Smith and Everson Walls.

NICKNAMES: Big Marv, Screw.

HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Basketball, shopping, movies, motorcycles, pool.

EARLY FOOTBALL MEMORY: Running for my life. Being too heavy to play with my age group. So I had to play with the bigger kids. That was tough.

FAVORITE MEAL: My aunt’s fried chicken.

FAVORITE BREAKFAST CEREAL: Can’t give you just one of those. Got like 10 boxes in the house – Lucky Charms, Cap’n Crunch Berries, Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops.

FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR: Chocolate chip or vanilla chip.

FAVORITE MOVIE: Oh yeah, Scarface, hands down.

PRE-GAME FEELING: Think about us winning and scoring touchdowns. Throughout the week in practice, I figure out a play I’m gonna score on.

GREATEST SPORTS MOMENT(S): Winning the Super Bowl. Hall of Fame. Winning the basketball competition at the Superstars event. I beat Warren Sapp (in Jamaica in ’99). Also, my last college game in the Carrier Dome against Boston College. I promised my teammates that I was gonna take a punt back for a touchdown. And I was gonna throw the ball in the upper deck. But I didn’t tell the coaches [smiles]. Took the punt back and threw it up. Got a penalty and everything. But I left the Dome in style.

MOST PAINFUL MOMENT: Separated shoulder, against Baltimore. Right in the middle of my first good season (’98).

FIRST JOB: Landscaping for my high school in Philadelphia (age 14).

FIRST CAR: 1985 blue/silver Dodge Daytona.

FAVORITE ATHLETE TO WATCH: T.O. (Terrell Owens). I sit back and watch TV and smile at what he does on the field. I enjoy him. I don’t think he causes any harm to any single person.

PEOPLE MOST ADMIRED: Down-to-earth, modest people. I don’t like showboats, put it that way.

CAREER ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1,102 career receptions and 14,580 yards receiving; 128 receiving touchdowns; In 2002 broke Herman Moore’s record of 123 caught passes, with 143 receptions (NFL record later broke by New Orleans Michael Thomas 149 in 2019.

About Mark Malinowski

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