Status: NHL center 1983-1989 for Chicago Blackhawks and Toronto Maple Leafs. Played professional hockey in Switzerland from 1989-1999.
Ht: 5-11 Wt: 183
DOB: January 1, 1964 In: Edmonton, Alberta
First Hockey Memory: Well my first memory of hockey is in Edmonton, in Beverly. I was playing minor hockey with my brother Gary. Floden Rink. I still go there once in a while to reminisce. That’s where it all started. I start late at age seven. Gary started at nine.
Hockey Heroes: I’d have to say a guy like Troy Murray was really nice to me. Everybody in Chicago and Toronto were really nice. They were all fighting for their jobs, I was fighting for my job. I only played parts of seven seasons in the NHL.
First Famous Player You Met Or Encountered: Boy, I would think from the Edmonton team – Doug Soetaert, Larry Hendricks, Darcy Rota.
Greatest Career Moment: Now that I look back it was probably winning Memorial Cup in Portland. That was a great memory. And the Olympics, I played in the 1988 Olympics in Calgary. That was quite special. They invited my parents.

Most Painful Moment: I’ll tell you… not winning a championship in Switzerland. And I’m talking hockey-wise. Came close. Five times in the finals. Never could close the deal.
Most Memorable Goal: Probably my first one, in Chicago, on Don Edwards of the Calgary Flames. Far side. Coming down the right side, right wing. In. They got the perfect picture from behind the goal with me in the background. Cool.
Favorite Rinks To Play: Chicago no. 1. Maple Leaf Gardens 2. And then I liked going to New York. I enjoyed walking around. I never slept in the hotel room in the afternoon. I’d go for walks. Washington was also nice.
Funniest Players Encountered: Tom Lysiak had some dry humor. And he had the one-liners. Marc Bergevin was pretty funny with his accent. He would try and speak English. Bill Gardner. Tim Higgins. Grant Mulvey. I really liked Borje Salming, he was nice to me. Rick Vaive was nice to me. Wendel Clark was about my same age, he was very good to me. He was a big-wig. Eddie Olczyk. Dave Feamster. Bob Murray. Tony Esposito. He invited me to his home for Christmas Eve, with my parents. I bought my dad (John) a truck and put it in Tony’s garage. I surprised my parents with the truck, a Ford. My dad was a carpenter, he never had a real truck.
Strangest Game: When Darryl Sutter got hit with a slapshot, there was so much blood. Crazy. Bench clearing brawl with New York (Rangers). I was paired up with Reijo Ruotsalainen.
Embarrassing Hockey Memory: I’d yell at referee, in Switzerland. My wife put it on video and I looked like an idiot. She said, did he murder anyone? I felt bad.
Why Do You Love Hockey: Just wanted to play and all the sudden I got pretty good at it.
Funny Hockey Memory: Troy Murray, Dave Feamster and I were roommates. One night Troy, Dave and I went out for a few drinks. At practice the next morning we were a little late. I go on the ice and they put scotch tape on my blades and I couldn’t even stand up. I could not stand up.
People Qualities Most Admired: Just the referees, they’re doing the best they can. Talk to them like normal human beings. Be a good citizen, that’s all. And I can say I was.